AWS Backup for RDS


We have setup a AWS backup plan to backup RDS. The RDS that requiring backup are tagged with same tagging. However, we found 2 of RDS are not able to do the backup but other RDS are fine. How could I troubleshoot why these 2 RDS are not cover by the backup plan?

preguntada hace 4 meses159 visualizaciones
5 Respuestas
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RDS instances might have maintenance windows or other backup operations (like automated snapshots) that could interfere with AWS Backup if they are scheduled around the same time.

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respondido hace 4 meses


Do the tag values ​​and keys set on the RDS instance match the resource selection settings set in AWS Backup?
Tag values ​​are case sensitive and must match exactly.

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respondido hace 4 meses


Do you have resource type parametrized in your config in addition to tag? In that case, resource type takes over:


If both a resource type and tags are specified in a resource assignment, the resource type 
specified in the backup plan takes priority over the tag condition. Service opt-in settings
 are disregarded in this situation.



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respondido hace 4 meses

As a last resort, if Didier's suggestion does not pan out, I'd go back to Riku's suggestion about tag values. I have experienced situations where the tag values look EXACTLY the same, but one somehow has a space or some other thing in it that the display doesn't show. You can always manually re-type the tag value for the RDS that did not backup just to eliminate this possibility. Best.

respondido hace 4 meses

Thanks all. With some testing, the problem is likely too close to the automated backup window configured in RDS instance.

respondido hace 4 meses

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