Route 53 transfer from OVH to AWS



I recently transferred my domain from OVH to AWS. But the name servers stay the same. What name servers should I set to use AWS route 53 hosted zone ?

Regards, Olivier

preguntada hace 9 meses553 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

Hi Olivier,

The full transfer procedure from an ISP to Route53 is detailled here:

Steps 2,3,4 toward bottom is the info that you are looking for.

This previous answer may also help you:



profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 9 meses
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revisado hace 9 meses
  • I look at the documentation but what are the list of name servers I should use (for eu-central-1)

  • Route 53 is a global service, the name servers are not tied to a particular region.

    When the hosted zone is created in Route 53 an NS record with four values is created within the zone. These are what to use.

  • So I have to go to "Registered domains" > "my.domain". Click on "Action" > "Edit names server" and use the 4 value I got from the NS record of the hosted zone I create for my domain. Am I right right ? Those names server are still the one of OVH...

  • The name servers on the registar's side have to be updated to have the values of the NS records in the Route 53 hosted zone.

    See steps 1 to 9 of

  • Thank you Steve. The documentation is so long that I missed the step 7...


Hello would?

respondido hace 9 meses

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