Greengrass Python 3.10 Lambda Runtime Availability


Hi There,

My team uses a mixture of Lambda and Recipe Greengrass components. Now that Lambda supports 3.10, we'd like to know if/when to expect that runtime will become available in Greengrass.

3.9 still isn't available, which has made us a bit nervous about using Lambda components generally because it feels like perhaps the Greengrass Lambda runtimes might not continue to be supported/released. There was a similar situation with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, though, which was stuck on 3.8 for a long time and skipped right over 3.9 to support 3.10 recently, so maybe there's nothing to worry about. I'm really just hoping to assuage our concern about continuing to use Lambda components :)


preguntada hace 10 meses360 visualizaciones
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Per the Run AWS Lambda Functions documentation for Greengrass v2,

Greengrass supports all Lambda supported versions of Python, Node.js, and Java runtimes.

This includes the latest versions including Python 3.10 and Python 3.11.

Note that Greengrass v1 (doc page) does not support Python 3.9 or higher. If you are depending on Python in Greengrass v1, consider migrating to Greengrass v2.

respondido hace 10 meses
  • Ah, wonderful! I honestly was just confused and referring to the V1 docs. Thanks for clarifying that!

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