SSM checking file on node


Hey all, I have a question about using SSM to verify a config. I'm setting up a proof of concept and the last thing I'd like to figure out is if it's possible to check a specific file on a node and see what its contents is. I have hybrid ubuntu nodes and there's a specific file which is used in our application that I'd love to be able to check. Can I do something like that and if it's not too much trouble could someone point me to some resource which would help me figure out how? Ultimately if we go this way I see SSM checking a bunch of things and possibly even managing it automatically but we'll get there.

Thank you so much.

preguntada hace 2 años302 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Consider running a Bash script using SSM Run Command to send a command that returns status notifications. Some references:

Some other avenues that may be of use

respondido hace 2 años

Oh wow, those are super useful resources thank you!!

respondido hace 2 años

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