How to delete AWS EMR container virtual clusters via the console or via AWS Nuke


Hi team, I see that deleting the EMR cluster sometimes does not necessarily delete the virtual clusters that they create and they remain running stale. Everytime I see this issue, I can only use the aws cli command aws emr-containers delete-virtual-cluster --id <virtual_cluster_id> to delete such leftover virtual clusters. Why is there no option in the Management console to delete this? Also, from the Amazon docs, I was referring to, but AWS Nuke also does not seem to Nuke this resource type. We have an automation to nuke such stale resources, but since these resource type does not exist in AWS Nuke, we only can react with runtime failures by using the AWS CLI.

Can you please help us know if it is possible to do so by some other means/some automation?

preguntada hace un año58 visualizaciones
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