AWS device farm - Install two applications and interface with desktop brow


I am working with AWS device farm for a while testing only one Mobile App and also using the Jenkins CI plugins.
But at this moment I have the complexity of testing in a one test, two Mobile applications and interaction with a desktop browser (Must be desktop browser). I was thinking of using the desktop version of AWS device farm. This is the stage:

  1. Install two Apps
  2. Interactue App1
  3. Interctue App2
  4. Interactue Browser
  5. Interactue App1
  6. Interactue Browser


  • I can install two applications on device farm and use with jenkins plugin?
  • I can interact in a single mobile test and desktop browser in aws device farm?

It would be very helpful if you have an example of something similar
Thank you

preguntada hace 4 años285 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

device farm (Mobile and desktop)

respondido hace 4 años

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