[IAM] Programmatically list all users with console access enabled


ListUsers only contains 'PasswordLastUsed' which isn't suitable to use for this purpose.

preguntada hace 2 años1491 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

A login profile is required for console access, so any IAM user with a login profile has access to the console.

So, using the CLI or API that fits your use case:

  1. list-users
  2. for each user
  3. get-login-profile --user-name <user>
  4. If no login profile then they do not have console access.
respondido hace 2 años

You can find this information in a Credentials Report. See: Getting credential reports for your AWS account. You will need to parse the report but the data you are looking for is in there.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años

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