How to Retrieve MAU and DAU Metrics Directly via API for AWS Pinpoint?


I'm currently integrating AWS Pinpoint with Amplify analytics to track user engagement metrics such as Monthly Active Users (MAU) and Daily Active Users (DAU). While these metrics are visible in the AWS Console, I've noticed that there isn't a straightforward HTTP API available for retrieving these metrics directly, as there once was. Previously, APIs like those mentioned in the legacy documentation allowed direct retrieval, but these capabilities seem to have been deprecated.

This forces a workaround involving streaming data to Amazon Redshift or OpenSearch to manually query these metrics, which adds unnecessary complexity and overhead. Given that these metrics are already calculated and displayed in the Console, an API endpoint for direct access would be highly beneficial, especially for developers looking to automate or integrate these metrics into custom dashboards or systems.

Is there a current or planned API for directly accessing MAU and DAU metrics in AWS Pinpoint? If not, could AWS consider reintroducing this feature?

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