Procedure to restore vault backup in new installation?


Please can you guys tell me the way to move Vault to a new installation? Eg. From staging to prod. Including secrets, policys, endpoint etc.

  • What vault? Hashicorp?

  • Yes Hashicorp

preguntada hace un año240 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Hello, I believe you're asking how to transfer backups/vaults between accounts in an organization, this is certainly possible and I've included a link with the steps for your specific circumstance on how to do this. Hope this helps.

respondido hace un año
  • Hello Aafant, thanks a lot for answering but this is not what i need. We have a Hashicorp Vault running on a kubernetes cluster on our AWS account. I want to install a new vault in a new environment but i need to export all secrets and policys etc to this new vault. I have seen some documentation but still haven't got the grip of it. Thank you for answering again.

Respuesta aceptada

Hello Migen, in that case, I believe your best bet would be to reach out to Hashicorp support as it is a bit out of scope for me. These are the supported third party applications for AWS. This is the link that you could try to use to open a ticket with hashicorp.

respondido hace un año
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revisado hace 2 meses
  • Thank you Aafant

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