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Also, for future in order to avoid getting into this situation, please setup budgets and alerts so that you get notified if some of the resources were left running and ended up stacking up huge bills. Refer to below link on how to do that. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cost-management/latest/userguide/budgets-create.html
With budgets setup, you can be proactive vs reactive.
Also this forum is more of a user forum and not a support centre where someone will actually work on your issue to resolve your pending invoice. Like other folks mentioned, you may want to create a ticket with support and work with them.
Hope this helps
You have to login AWS console and then go to support center, open a support case under Account&Billing category. Support team will guide you how to stop unexpected billing. https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/
I am using aws as learning. But i have no knowledge about billing. suddenly i saw aws billing dashboard Amount charge please remove this amount because i am a student. I have no money to pay this amount
Request to reverse my account EC2 surprise charges during free trail. There is still an ongoing tiny invisible reoccurring charge, I could not find an easy option to turn off. I do have to keep the account to actively use it as completely free tier to access available services with out any surprises. Request help.
You will need to open a support case via the console: https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/create.
I would also recommend that you will check in the bill to see where the charges are coming from and stop the relevant services.
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I am too in same scenario, i got 139$ ,I am also a student they should provide community or students edition
is your billing cancelled
i am in the same scenario, i got 180.94