ECS(Scheduled Taks) -> CloudWatch - Missing logs.


I'm facing an issue with randomly disappearing logs on cloudwatch.

I have scheduled tasks on ECS which run container with defined inside entrypoint which is responsible for running task using this same container but with other entrypoint.

During first task(first entrypoint) - logging works correctly but when this task trigger another tasks(same container but other entrypoint) logs in cloudwatch appears randomly.
This happens even when I run that tasks by hand.
First run may fail with logs but the second one 5 minutes later works. With exactly the same settings.
I'm 100% sure that functionality inside container works(I checked).

I have no idea what kind of further investigation may I do.
Any suggestions?

I implemented boto3 for logs next to python logger.
Events via boto3 are handled correctly so it's a kind of workaround but it still not resolve an issue.

Use handler for python loggers

Edited by: karoljago on Apr 30, 2019 12:05 AM

preguntada hace 5 años405 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Hey there! I'm noticing the same issue... I posted on it and it hasn't been replied to yet.

respondido hace 5 años

Figured out a way to always catch logs from python code

respondido hace 5 años

How did you do it?

respondido hace 5 años

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