How to create redundant site-to-site VPN connections with a Transit Gateway



We have the following setup on our infrastructure with redundant site-to-site VPN connections, using only 1 virtual private gateway and 2 customer gateways, and this for each of our VPCs.

We want to migrate our network infrastructure using a Transit Gateway, so I am trying to replicate that system using a Transit Gateway.

Here's what I did :

  • created 2 Customer Gateways and attached them to the Transit Gateway. Hence we have 1 VPN connection linked to transit gateway for each customer gateway
  • set up IPSec tunnels on our on premise side
  • added a route in transit gateway routing table, for IP cidr, pointing to one of the VPN attachment .

Everything works fine so far. However, I think that in order to have real redundancy, I'd need to setup some kind of dynamic routing, so that packets with destination can go to any one the VPN attachment with some failover mecanism. But it's not allowed to configure 2 routing rules with the same CIDR block, so I'm stuck.

Any way to achieve that ?

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2 Respuestas

This looks like what your trying to achieve. The only way to achieve this is to use BGP for dynamic routing and fail over

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Can you swicth to BGP for dynamic routing? But it wouldn't work if you are using separate customer gateways.
"It’s important to note that when you use BGP, both the IPsec and the BGP sessions must be terminated on the same user gateway device, so it must be capable of terminating both IPsec and BGP sessions." Two recommended reads:

If you will end with static routes, install more specific static routes to the primary attachment. Then use for your secondary. Two specific routes:

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