Unable to show Redshift ML model - error: Failed to retrieve model metadata


After creating the Redshift ML model, Initially it is showing as model in training status but after sometime its displaying error as below:

ERROR: Failed to retrieve model metadata, invalid JSON Detail: ----------------------------------------------- error: Failed to retrieve model metadata, invalid JSON code: 28007 context: query: 0 location: ml_model_info.cpp:1237 process: padbmaster [pid=1073971656] ----------------------------------------------- [ErrorId: 1-649420ac-6471b449769e7ea465a47eec]

preguntada hace un año258 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

If your cluster is old please restart it at your convenient time and it can be used normally. If the issue persists please go ahead and open a case for the Redshift team.

respondido hace un año

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