Subject: Seeking Guidance on VPC Peering Tutorial Error


I was in the process of following a VPC Peering tutorial between two VPCs in my account. However, an error arose while I was trying to validate the connectivity of an EC2 Instance. Could you please advise whether this is something I should address before proceeding? I have encountered difficulties in resolving the AWS Error repeatedly, and I am concerned that I might need to delete all configurations and start anew. Your guidance would be greatly appreciated.


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preguntada hace 10 meses182 visualizaciones
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There is no need to redo the settings.
I believe a modification will make it usable.

You are using EC2 Instance Connect to connect to an EC2 instance, is SSH allowed in the security group?
For regular Instance Connect, port 22 must be allowed in the security group.
Make sure you are using an OS that supports Instance Connect.
For basic troubleshooting, please review the following documents once.

The following document describes the prerequisites for using Instance Connect.

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