Deployment config still exists on device for deleted thing


Greengrass was installed on a device with a given name e.g. company-edge-41. This name was chosen erroneously and so greengrass was uninstalled and reinstalled with the device name company-edge-041.

The thing for company-edge-41 was deleted from the AWS console. However, at the time when it was named as such, the device had the aws.greengrass.nucleus and aws.greengrass.cli components deployed.

Currently, the device now holds evidence of this in the effectiveConfig.yaml and is it causing conflicts when attempting to upgrade the version of nucleus on this device.

This is an example from the greengrass.log when trying to upgrade from nucleus 2.11.2 to 2.11.3:

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: No local or cloud component version satisfies the requirements Check whether the version constraints conflict and that the component exists in your AWS account with a version that matches the version constraints. If the version constraints conflict, revise deployments to resolve the conflict. Component aws.greengrass.Cli version constraints: thing/company-edge-041 requires =2.11.3, thing/company-edge-41 requires =2.11.2.

This is an example of the effectiveConfig.yaml

        configArn: "arn:aws:greengrass:us-east-2:220463781954:configuration:thing/company-edge-041:24"
        timestamp: 1702554072696
        configArn: "arn:aws:greengrass:us-east-2:220463781954:configuration:thing/company-edge-41:1"
        timestamp: 1696248895839
          groupConfigArn: "arn:aws:greengrass:us-east-2:220463781954:configuration:thing/company-edge-041:24"
          groupConfigName: "thing/company-edge-041"
          version: "2.11.3"
          groupConfigArn: "arn:aws:greengrass:us-east-2:220463781954:configuration:thing/company-edge-41:1"
          groupConfigName: "thing/company-edge-41"
          version: "2.11.2"

Could you recommend how to remove traces of the "-41" configuration without necessarily uninstalling greengrass. We only have remote access to this device via secure tunnel so removing greengrass is not really an option.

Happy to provide any further information that I can


preguntada hace 6 meses202 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


It sounds like when you reinstalled Greengrass you did not remove the existing configuration. You can follow the steps here to uninstall Greengrass including removing the root directory which will remove all the configuration.

Cheers, Michael

respondido hace 6 meses

I am seeing a similar issue - similar to the poster above, is there a way to resolve this without uninstalling Greengrass?

In my case, this is because I am using SecureTunnel to access a remote device, so I cannot uninstall greengrass and start again.

Is it possible to locally edit any files on the device to remove the references to the deleted protex thing?

respondido hace 6 meses

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