Experimenting with Container/Fargate, Unable to access on public IP? (Free Tier)



I have been asked to see how i can deploy a simple Apache/web page onto a serverless container within Fargate.

I manage to push to the repository, ive created a cluster, task definition as a linux service, and it all seems to be working? but when i click on the ip address, it just times out. I am using the free service, I dont know if that limits me, but im just trying to learn and view the service.

Is there something i have to do to enable public access?

preguntada hace 7 meses282 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


Public access is possible even if you are using the free tier.

Is the subnet configured in ECS a public subnet?
Also, are the required communications allowed by the inbound rules of the security group in ECS?
For example, since we are using an Apache container, we need to allow HTTP port 80 or the container's listening port.

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