How to resolve the issues in viewing the dataset and creating the calculated fields when using edit dataset option in quicksight?


The dataset used in the analysis is of 850MB. It is imported to spice mode from amazon redshift. When I try to use edit dataset option, I get the error that says "Connecting to your data source took too long. Retrying this request may help. Contact technical support for further assistance" I am not able to reload preview for the same even after trying multiple times. I was able to add calculated fields and use edit dataset option for other datasets in the same account. Can anyone please help me resolve this issue?

preguntada hace 2 años1034 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


Could you please try the troubleshooting steps outlined here :

[] I Can't Connect to My Data Source -


profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años
revisado hace 2 años
  • Thank you nitin. I will try to check the link and get back to you.

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