Google dropping support for third party cookies - affects Amazon Connect


My company uses Amazon Connect for our support team. It is integrated with Salesforce which we use for our case management. We use the CTI adapter for automation and features such as attaching call recordings to cases and completing outbound calls. I was notified by Salesforce that with Google dropping support for third party cookie sharing that it would impact our CTI adapter and any flows/features created with it. I went through Salesforce's recommendations and documentation and it suggests that if the CTI adapter is used with any managed packages (such as Amazon Connect) to consult that companies documentation or contact them to find out solutions/planned fixes. So my question is this. Is there any planned initiative for Amazon Connect to roll out an update to their Salesforce Integration managed package that takes care of this issue?

preguntada hace 7 meses431 visualizaciones
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In anticipation of Google Chrome blocking third-party cookies, the Amazon Connect CTI adapter should be upgraded to version 5.21 or on-wards. There are additional considerations for how this will impact your agents discussed in the documentation here: .

respondido hace 7 meses
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