AWS Lightsail Instance + Wordpress



I have an AWS Lightsail Instance with Wordpress serving a website with a registered domain via a distribution with Static IP. That is all working fine. The problem is that now I want to use Wordpress to change the /var/www/my-domain with my site and access to is getting me 404.

I've changed the wp-config.php according to the documentation adding both WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL pointing at my domain but when I tried to restart apache with the command on the documentation:

sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache

It says that Failed to restart apache.

So I guess something got wrongly configured so I can not access my wordpress dashboard to work on my site.

Could you please help with this?


  • to change the /var/www/my-domain with my site and access to is getting me 404

    Do you mean you're trying to change the default directory for WordPress content from /opt/bitnami/wordpress/wp-config.php to /var/www/my-domain?

    Bitnami images are configured to work with certain default paths. You are more likely to get the expected results if you keep those paths.

preguntada hace 9 meses300 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

If your goal is to import content from another WordPress instance, you may find this guide useful:

respondido hace 9 meses

im inthe same case, when i put can access to anything and i dont knwo what i have to do

respondido hace 8 meses

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