How to connect a Glue connection from one account to another account.


Hello, Currently we have two accounts in one account we have kept the RDS in Public and in another connect we are going to create one VPC in that VPC two private subnets. And also we are going to create a glue connection.Now what i want to know is how this glue connection is going to connect the RDS in another account without using VPC peering, Transit Gateway, VPN and NAT Gateway. Kindly give me some suggestion..

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Using RAM, you can share the private subnet where RDS is running within the same organization and region, otherwise I don't think it's possible without one of the options you lists.

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Your question might be related to two use cases :

1- Crawling RDS DB in a different account using Glue Crawlers and bring the schema to Glue Data Catalog: In this case you can benefit from RDS Glue connector when you are defining the crawler. Details can be found [here](AWS Glue connection properties)

2- Accessing RDS from a Glue job using Spark and getting data : In this case you can chose the right connection type for Spark based on the type of database (details)

In either case, since you are using a JDBC connection with public end-point no VPC connection would be required.

respondido hace un año
  • hello, my question is how we can make a connection to RDS for example we creating a connection in one account with different VPC and private subnets. The RDS in another account with public subnet. how this going to make a connection in the security group just give a more elaboration in that part it will really helpful for me. Note: we are not using any of these below service. VPC Peering, NAT Gateway, Transit Gateway and VPN.

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