Custom Plugin on AWS OpenSearch


We have wrote custom plugins, example -

Is it possible to add additional/custom plugins on AWS managed OpenSearch? Without this we won't be able to migrate to AWS. If not allowed currently, any idea if it's going to be included in future? Thanks!

preguntada hace 2 años4320 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi there, currently following are the plugins (1) that come prepackaged in Amazon OpenSearch depending on your OpenSearch version. It is currently not possible to install/deploy custom plugin Amazon OpenSearch. However adding the ability to install custom plugin is in roadmap to be included in the future for which we do not have an ETA. Please check (2) for updates on new feature releases.

(1) (2)

respondido hace 2 años
  • Is there any update on the custom plugin feature? I've very interested in that as my project requires a couple of them in AWS OpenSearch.

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