AWS Bedrock Knowledge Base - Test Knowledge Base does not allow to select different model other than Anthorpic


Hello, I have enabled multiple models such as Amazon Titan, Jurasic, Llama 2 etc. I created a knowledge base. When I click on Test the only option is to select Anthropic Model (which I have not enable). How do I use different model?

preguntada hace 6 meses1037 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Currently the Bedrock Knowledge Base is limited to Anthropic Claude models. If you want to test a similar system to Bedrock Knowledge base that gives you the possibility to use all Bedrock models and also third-party models hosted via SageMaker endpoints and select the document storage (OpenSearch, Aurora or Kendra), you can have a look at

This is not a replacement for a managed service like Bedrock Knowledge Base, but can allow you to evaluate this type of solutions which you can possibly build and deploy yourself.

respondido hace 6 meses

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