Bug Report - AWS SES - Spam Complaint Rate Never goes down


Each day, we send around 2k emails, a bit less on the weekend, for a total of around 12 000 emails. Each week we get 1 complaint. Each week our complaint rate goes up a bip.

A brief history: Week 1: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.01% Week 2: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.02% Week 3: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.03% Week 3: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.04% Week 4: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.05% Week 5: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.06% Week 6: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.07% Week 7: 12k Emails, 1 Complaint, Complaint Rate: 0.08%

Our napkin calculation complaint rate is 0.008%, around 10 times smaller than the claimed complaint rate by AWS. This rate never goes down, even after 5-6 days with no complaints.

We've talked to some other business with a similar problem. It seems there's a bug with this rate calculation, and soon we'll have to switch providers because otherwise our account will be suspended.

preguntada hace un año271 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Hi, re:Post is not monitored by AWS support team. So, your issue may not be worked on You should open such tickets via the AWS console of your account: go to https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/home?region=us-west-2# (adapt with your own region)

When on page, click link "Create Case"

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año

The complaint rate calculation has a bug, it's showing a totally different value compared to what's the real metrics give by total(complaint) / total(sent).

I've spent some time writing this script to calculate the correct value.

Please submit it to the technical team to review, I don't have that level of subscription.

SEND=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
  --namespace AWS/SES --metric-name Send \
  --start-time 2023-01-01 --end-time 2024-01-01 \
  --period 864000000 --statistics Sum --query 'Datapoints[0].Sum')

BOUNCE=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
  --namespace AWS/SES --metric-name Bounce \
  --start-time 2023-01-01 --end-time 2024-01-01 \
  --period 864000000 --statistics Sum --query 'Datapoints[0].Sum')
COMPLAINT=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
  --namespace AWS/SES --metric-name Complaint \
  --start-time 2023-01-01 --end-time 2024-01-01 \
  --period 864000000 --statistics Sum --query 'Datapoints[0].Sum')
BOUNCE_RATE=$(bc <<< "scale=4; ($BOUNCE/$SEND)*100")
COMPLAINT_RATE=$(bc <<< "scale=4; ($COMPLAINT/$SEND)*100")

echo "bounce rate: $BOUNCE_RATE%"
echo "complaint rate: $COMPLAINT_RATE%"
respondido hace 7 meses

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