Determining the identity provider for SAML IdPs using a query parameter


I have a user pool with multiple SAML IdPs set up. I don't want my SSO customers to have to choose which IdP to use, as this would expose our customer list. I understand I can route the users to the appropriate IdP using an Identifier (email domain), but I would prefer to route this automatically based on sending a query parameter to the login page. The AWS documentation suggests this should be possible
"Alternatively, if your app gathered information before directing the user to your user pool, it can provide that information to Amazon Cognito through a query parameter."

but the documentation doesn't specify what this query parameter is called. I have tried a number of options, like 'provider' or 'IdPprovider', but none seem to work. Does this feature work? If so, what is the name of the query parameter I should use?

preguntada hace 3 años484 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

You can pass it on the (Authorize) endpoint using either identity_provider or idp_identifier parameters.

respondido hace 3 años

Thanks @cfbarbero1. This was the solution I was looking for.

respondido hace 3 años

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