connect to cluster - key not accessible


Hello, I have created a cluster following this workshop ([]) but unfortunately I can't connect to it. Here the error message:

Warning: Identity file XXX.pem not accessible: No such file or directory. Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
preguntada hace 2 años355 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


From the error message, it looks like either your pluster ssh or pcluster dcv-connect command is unable to find the .pem identity file that you have created as part of the Create a SSH key section.

If the .pem file is in a different location, you can provide the full path of the .pem with the -i flag as shown below.

pcluster ssh --cluster-name cfd -i /path/to/KEY_NAME.pem


pcluster dcv-connect --cluster-name cfd --key-path /path/to/KEY_NAME.pem --show-url

If you are still facing issues after making sure that the file is present, you can open a issue on aws/aws-parallelcluster github project with detailed steps to reproduce or open a support case for further investigation.

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respondido hace 2 años

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