Getting 502 Bad Gateway Error while accessing the end point from EBS


Hello All, i am in the process of configuring Elastic Beanstalk and i have mentioned all the necessary Environmental variables and also configured the Load balancer as part of configuration. When i try to access the page i get " 502 BadGateway" nginx/1.20.0. I checked all the configurations and i don't see any issues. When i check the health it shows as " 100.0 % of the requests are failing with HTTP 5xx. ", I need some assistance in resolving this. I am not sure where is the error. Any help is appreciated, provided with some screenshot which will guide me to resolve this at the earliest. I also checked the logs and found this "[error] 4413#4413: *1 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream,"

Thanks sriram

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