How to open a schematic file once synthesis is complete to verify ?


I am using script to run synthesis and once synthesis is complete tar file is generated from which I can generate afi. When I run synthesis in vivado gui I can see implementation schematic. How I can do the same when running synthesis in bach mode ?

Edited by: aiquanta on Mar 7, 2021 1:32 PM

preguntada hace 3 años194 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


In our build flow, we end up generating a design checkpoint(dcp) file which is included in the tar file. You could extract the tar file and open the dcp file in Vivado GUI and see the schematic from the tools section.

To extract the tar file, you can run:

 tar xf <timestamp>.Developer_CL.tar

This should extract the dcp and the manifest in a to_aws folder.

Let me know if this doesn't help or if you have further questions!



respondido hace 3 años

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