Launch AWS instance in AUCKLAND DC


Can someone please point me to some documentation ? My region shows Sydney and I cannot find where to change it to launch a T3 instance in AKL.

any help would be appreciated.

preguntada hace 8 meses198 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


Since Auckland is a local zone, you need to enable it as per the document below.

Create a subnet within the local zone after enabling the local zone.
Then, when creating EC2, you will be able to select the subnet of the local zone, so you can start it on the local zone.

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respondido hace 8 meses
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revisado hace 8 meses
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revisado hace 8 meses
  • Check your EC2 subnet. If the subnet Availability Zone is set in Auckland, it should be "ap-southeast-2-akl-1a".

  • Select EC2 and go to the Networking tab to see the availability zones and subnets where EC2 is running.


Thanks ..found as much .. created subnet .. i am about to launch but want to make sure it gets launched in akl location ..anywhere to make sure/select it ?

cheers and thanks

respondido hace 8 meses

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