How to go about hosting a similar SAAS application with different databases for the units of a company



I have a scenario where it is required to host a SAAS application which is same for the different units of a company but it has NoSQL databases which are different for the different units. I believe, containers can be used and I did some homework on that but I am not able to conceptualize the complete scenario.

I hope, my query is clear.

Please revert.


preguntada hace un año247 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

The most solid way to do this is to implement replicas of the application in different accounts under a unified management via AWS Organizations with proper SCP to limit the capabilities in those accounts.


About SCPs:

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año
  • Thanks for your answer but I am not able to understand how AWS Organizations can help as AWS organizations is more about consolidated billing across accounts and SCP. I do not understand how AWS organizations relates to my requirement to host a SAAS application which is same for the different units of a company but it has NoSQL databases which are different for the different units.


Take a look at some of the resources here: SaaS Architecture Overview.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año

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