(resolved) The Meaning of User Icons in AWS re:Post


Thank you for your assistance.
This question relates to the following question. [1]

[1] What do moderators and AWS icons mean for re:Post users?

Since there was no response to the additional questions in the above case, we have drafted this case.

We would appreciate it if you could enlighten us on the following points

・Can I take the answer from the expert user as an official answer from AWS?
・What does it mean when a user does not see the words "expert" or "support engineer" but only the "aws" icon?
・What do users with the word moderator mean?

Thank you in advance for your cooperation regarding the above.

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preguntada hace 2 años354 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

Hi mn87,

AWS re:Post is a community-driven knowledge service (Q&A and articles) to help AWS Customers get technical guidance. re:Post community includes AWS customers, AWS partners and AWS employees. AWS employees are shown with the "aws" icon. Users with the word "Expert" are a mix of external users and AWS employees who are SMEs in their areas. "Moderators" keep the content free from spam and ensure Community Guidelines are followed. Please refer to re:Post Terms of Use and Community Guidelines for details. We recommend reaching out to AWS Support or your AWS point of contact for any production workloads related guidance.

Let me know if this answers your questions. Thank you for your interest in re:Post community.


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respondido hace 2 años
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