query for CUR data to find cost for EC2 and all it related


Customer is looking to build a BI that show all associated cost of an instance includes data-transfer, EBS and snapshots.

I have used the below query but as the EBS does not have direct instance association its not correlated. Looking for a way to achieve that.

SELECT "line_item_usage_account_id" AS "Account ID",
       "line_item_operation" AS "operation%",
       "line_item_usage_type" AS "usage type",
       "line_item_resource_id" AS "Instance ID",
       if ("product_instance_type" != '', "product_instance_type", split_part("line_item_line_item_description",' ',1)) AS "Instance Type",
       if(split_part("product_instance_type",'.',2) = 'metal', "product_instance_type",if ("product_instance_type_family" != '', "product_instance_type_family", if ("product_instance_type" != '', split_part("product_instance_type",'.',1), split_part("line_item_line_item_description",'.',1)))) AS Family,
       sum(if ("pricing_term" = 'Reserved',"reservation_effective_cost",0)) AS "Reserved Cost",
       sum(if ("pricing_term" = 'OnDemand',"line_item_usage_amount",0)) * "pricing_public_on_demand_cost" AS "OnDemand Cost",
       sum(if ("pricing_term" = '',"line_item_usage_amount",0)) * "line_item_unblended_cost" AS "Spot Cost"
FROM customer_all
WHERE month(bill_billing_period_start_date) = 6 and year(bill_billing_period_start_date) = 2020             
       AND "line_item_resource_id" LIKE 'i-02efd3e19e0da53b9'
GROUP BY "line_item_usage_account_id", "line_item_resource_id", "product_instance_type", "line_item_usage_type", "product_instance_type_family", "line_item_line_item_description", "line_item_usage_amount", "pricing_public_on_demand_cost", "line_item_unblended_cost", "line_item_operation", "line_item_usage_type"
preguntada hace 4 años1198 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

If the customer use tags to associate the EBS and snapshots with the EC2, that can be the link. The resources tag fields are specific to each customer. More information is here in the CUR data dictionary.

respondido hace 4 años

did you figure out how to add EBS and snapshots to the query?

respondido hace un año

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