How to export/import a CloudWatch dashboard across accounts


So, I develop a new dashboard on CloudWatch, then I need to export and import the entire dashboard into any other account on AWS. The dashboard has a lot of widgets that I configured in the panel, there is a JSON document each, but I only can copy the JSON from the one-by-one widget, not the panel instead.

Is there a way to export/import the dashboard across accounts, like a copy or download the JSON document from the setup dashboard?

I know there are options available such as public share or email sharing, but I want to share in a privacy mode, without using these two options mentioned above.

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preguntada hace 4 meses273 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

You can view/edit the JSON content in the setup dashboard by navigating to Actions --> View/Edit source as shown in the picture below. Export JSON

respondido hace 4 meses
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revisado hace 3 meses

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