Aurora Serverless AppSync error: invalid cluster id



I am trying to use Aurora Serverless as a datasource for AppSync but I am unable to get it to work. Every time I try to run a query or mutation I get this error;

RDSHttp:{"message":"ERROR: invalid cluster id: app-develop-aurora-rds"}

I don't know why it's saying this as I've looked on the RDS console and the cluster ID is definitely correct

I am running this on us-east-1 and have manually enabled the Data API on the console but I just cannot seem to get this working

Edited by: mogzilla on Mar 30, 2019 6:10 AM

preguntada hace 5 años343 visualizaciones
6 Respuestas

That combination should work (Data API in us-east-1).

What database engine are you running in your cluster?

respondido hace 5 años

I'm running Aurora MySQL

respondido hace 5 años

Thanks. Can you PM me your AWS Account ID and your AppSync API ID and I'll have a look at your configuration.

respondido hace 5 años

Sure thing, message has been sent. Thanks!

respondido hace 5 años

Thanks! I followed up via PM as well.

respondido hace 5 años

For anyone else who has this issue, the dbClusterIdentifier value in your cloudformation needs to be the ARN of the DB cluster rather than a reference to it

respondido hace 5 años

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