Use Connect Contact Lens to analyze pre recorded phone conversations


I have a number of recordings of phone conversations that were made using Amazon Connect a couple of years ago, that I want to analyze using Contact Lens. I have reviewed the APIs for both Connect and Contact Lens and can not find any methods that would let me do this. I am looking at the .net sdk documentation.

A thorough google search has not returned anything.

Asking open ai's chat gpt - returned a function that didn't align with the current .net sdks, having a mismatch of methods and models taken from the Connect and Contact Lens classes.

preguntada hace un año314 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Contact Lens for Connect will only kick in for new incoming calls. It cannot go back and analyze.

Alternative is to use AWS Transcribe/Comprehend manually on the call recording to get the analytics that you need for them. But these are outside of Connect/Contact Lens processing now.

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respondido hace un año

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