Cannot delete network interface?


I was charged 80 for some services which I was not aware of. When trying to delete anything, I was always get error Network interface is currently in use. How can I delete this?

preguntada hace 2 años334 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

More information, i.e. what service would be helpful I guess. You can find the ENIs your account uses under the EC2 service page. Apparently a service was created that is using it, maybe a VPC endpoint, that you need to delete first?

respondido hace 2 años

Try this:

First go to the EC2 service dashboard, then select the "EC2 Global view" menu - There you'll have two menu options, Region Explorer and Global Search.

You'll be able to see what you've currently deployed in AWS and certainly spot your instance or service you're interested by.


respondido hace 2 años

I was able to connect with AWS support chat. Extremely patient and helpful. Ultimately, it was a database I had running in another region. Once I deleted that, I was able to delete VPC no problem. So problem resolved. Is there a screen of all running services that would be helpful in similar situations?

respondido hace 2 años

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