How to disable TLS v1.1 on regional API gateway


I have a regional API gateway, and I want to disable the use of TLS v1 and v1.1. An answer to another question indicated that regional APIs are restricted to v1.2 or higher already, but I am able to call my API with TLS v1.1 using Postman. Is there a way for me to force this now? Is this part of the upcoming changes AWS is making to eliminate old TLS versions?

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The AWS Documentation on Amazon API Gateway provides the following information for choosing a minimum TLS version.

You can change the security policy by updating the domain name settings. To change the minimum TLS version, use one of the following commands, specifying the new TLS version (TLS_1_0 or TLS_1_2) in the securityPolicy parameter. Allow up to 60 minutes for the update to be completed.

Additional information can be found directly under Choosing a minimum TLS version.

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  • I see now: I need to create a custom domain to use the security policy. Thanks.

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