No menu entries after Studio Setup


After I set up Nimble Studio I only have "Studio Manager" menu entry in the Console. The "Studio resources" etc entries are missing.

The "Studio Manager" page states that the Status is "ready". When I visit the URL of the Studio I get the error that the sign in to Identity center was not succesful.

Am I missing permissins? I already added the AmazonNimbleStudio-StudioAdmin policy to my admin user.

preguntada hace 9 meses216 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi Michael,

You can review the Nimble Studio Troubleshooting Doc for common IAM related issues with Nimble Studio AND IAM Identity Center Troubleshooting Doc for common issues related to AWS Identity Center

As I understand, you have added the AmazonNimbleStudio-StudioAdmin policy to your admin user however still facing error while visiting the Nimble Studio URL.

Now to answer your question, we require details that are non-public information. Hence, please open a support case with AWS using the following link and we'll be happy to dive deep further and help you!

respondido hace 9 meses

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