AWS Cloud Technical Essentials exercise: is it broken?


Like a number of people I can't seem to get the EmployeeApp up and running on the freshly launched EC2 instance. User data for the launch includes the following line:


I've ssh'd to the ec2 instance in question and running this command delivers the message "No such file or directory". It therefore doesn't seem surprising that the app doesn't run - though perhaps I haven't undersood something about how this is supposed to work. The next stages of the course appear to reply on this app working. I am therefore prevented from continuing. Please advise!

preguntada hace 10 meses276 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Try changing it to the following S3 URL


When I access the URL you provided, I am told to go to "".
So I changed the URL to the one above and ran the "wget" command, which succeeded.

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respondido hace 10 meses

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