Redis7.1 - Amazon Linux2


Hi, Could you please help how to install Redis7.1 - Amazon Linux2 - On-premise? I just can find (Redis6) is available: sudo amazon-linux-extras list | grep redis 56 redis6 available [ =stable ]

1 Respuesta

Checking through Redis documentation it looks like OSS Redis has only 7.0 and 7.2 releases. If the packages are not available from a repository for latest versions, you can follow Redis documentation to directly install from source.

On a Amazon Linux 2 instance (kernel-5.10), I was able to install the latest Engine release 7.2.4 using below commands. All source files for Redis are available here.

# sudo yum update -y
# sudo yum install gcc make wget tcl -y
# wget
# tar -xzvf redis-7.2.4.tar.gz
# cd redis-7.2.4/
# make
# sudo make install

Post installation, you can start the redis-server in the background like this and connect to it using redis-cli,

# redis-server &
# redis-cli> info
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