Transfer data to AWS S3


We have 15TB data in on-premises server. We want to backed up the data from on-premises to AWS S3. Can anyone tell me the steps?

Thanks in Advance.

preguntada hace un año285 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi there!

There are several AWS services that can be used as part of your backup and recovery approach.

Firstly, consider designing a backup and recovery solution (if you haven’t already) in order to make an informed decision based on your business needs and follow best practices by testing your backup and recovery approach in a non-production environment. It is important to test your processes thoroughly and to validate that your restored workloads are operating as expected.

For guidance, please take a look here: and here:

I would also recommend spending a few minutes to read through the chapters of this guide:

If you are ready to back up data on Amazon S3 please take a look at the following link on how to create Amazon S3 Backups:

Hope this helps!

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respondido hace un año

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