Lightsail Server Issue: Websites Stopped Working, Seeking Root Cause



We have a Lightsail server from AWS, and all our WordPress-based websites are running on the same server, including the domain and subdomains. There are 5 websites, and the server details are as follows:

  • 2 GB RAM
  • 1 vCPU
  • 60 GB SSD
  • Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu

The issue arose when all our websites suddenly stopped working some time ago. After rebooting the server, our websites started functioning again. Now, we would like to understand the root cause of this issue and seek assistance to prevent it from happening again.

preguntada hace 5 meses137 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


What was the CPU load when the website stopped?
Your Lightsail plan will begin using burst credits when CPU usage exceeds 10%.
As a result, is it possible that the website stopped because it used up all its CPU credits and the performance dropped below the baseline throughput?
You can also see the CPU burst capacity in the graph, so please check it.

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