Why is there a quota limit for Application LoadBalancer registerd?


In my application, there may be several cases where Application Load Balancer is registered or deregistered depending on the case. In this case, I think the quota below may be reached. What is the exact reason for the quota limit below?

quotas of alb

preguntada hace 8 meses219 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


Resource Management: AWS has a finite amount of resources available in each region, and it needs to ensure that these resources are allocated fairly among all users. By imposing limits, AWS can prevent any single user or application from monopolizing these resources.

Service Reliability: Load balancers are a critical component of many applications, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance. Enforcing limits on how many targets can be registered helps prevent overloading a load balancer, which could lead to performance degradation or downtime for all applications using that load balancer.

Maybe it`s two main things why AWS do no adjustable this quota. Best regards, Andrii

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respondido hace 8 meses

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