AWS DX to AWS DX via 3rd party Layer 2 VPLS


Is it possible to BGP peer DX VIF's across regions, without a dedicated (customer) BGP router?

We only have infrastructure in the Cloud, we could spin up a network appliance in the VPC, but it seems like we need something directly on the other end of DX/VPLS for this.

This is pretty much the same question as raised 2 years ago, just hoping ideas had changed since then.

Any direction would be greatly appreciated.


preguntada hace 4 años283 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

So yes, you can peer two individual VIF's directly, but that will only give a single point-to-point connection.

I've progressed with this now, so happy to close.

We are trialling vendors who supply Cloud to Cloud Layer 3 instead.

Edited by: chrisb2c2 on Jan 10, 2020 1:36 PM

respondido hace 4 años

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