how did I reach free tier limit?


Your AWS account xxxxx has exceeded 85% of the usage limit for one or more AWS Free Tier-eligible services for the month of April. Product AWS Free Tier Usage as of 04/28/2023 Usage Limit AWS Free Tier Usage Limit AmazonEC2 654 Hrs 750 Hrs 750.0 Hrs for free for 12 months as part of AWS Free Usage Tier (Global-BoxUsage:freetier.micro) AmazonEC2 26.87500215 GB-Mo 30 GB-Mo 30.0 GB-Mo for free for 12 months as part of AWS Free Usage Tier (Global-EBS:VolumeUsage)

I haven't logged in AWS for over a month,and it reached free tier limit,I don't know why. what was it that did all these?

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Even if you aren’t regularly logging in to your account, you might have active resources running. See I unintentionally incurred charges while using the AWS Free Tier. How do I make sure that I'm not billed again?

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