Cost category expression with compound dimension using OR


Writing cost category rule expressions, I want to create a compound expression such that the rule matches tag X equals A OR tag Y equals B. How can this be done (via the json editor as the expression builder doesn't support compound expressions)? I get an error saying root expression must be AND - is there a workaround to this?

  "RuleVersion": "CostCategoryExpression.v1",
  "Rules": [
      "Rule": {
        "Or": [
            "Tags": {
              "Key": "X",
              "MatchOptions": [
              "Values": [
            "Tags": {
              "Key": "Y",
              "MatchOptions": [
              "Values": [
      "Type": "REGULAR",
      "Value": "example"
preguntada hace 2 años234 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

I found a workaround in the UI where you simply create a new rule that outputs the same value. So it would be value=teamA where accounts = account1 and account2. Then add a new rule that also outputs value=team1 but the dimensions are when service=EKS or tag=teamalpha.

respondido hace 2 años

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