Running DCV on http only (no https) via SSH port forwarding


Hi, I'd like to run DCV over an unencrypted protocol (http only, not https), is there anyway to do this?

I'm currently running a port forward over ssh to the DCV server on an ubuntu 20.04 instance, and because I don't have an appropriate SSL certificate for localhost, I keep getting SSL warnings in chrome that I'd prefer not to have.

I'm not looking to import a self signed ssl to chrome to remove the warnings, or provide an ssl that is registered correctly.

I've tried no-tls-strict=false, but that doesn't seem to work (maybe I'm using the wrong format)

Any help is appreciated


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AFAIK, NICE DCV does not support non-encrypted connections.

Alternatively, you can connect using NICE DCV native client. It will pop up a dialog box about untrusted connection only on first connection. Native clients can be downloaded from

Subsequently, you can restrict your Ubuntu remote access to NICE DCV native clients only. Disable web browser client access by removing web viewer package, i.e.

sudo apt remove nice-dcv-web-viewer
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