Round Robin Assignment in Amazon Connect without manual transfer need


We recently used the Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect, it is working fine. However, we wanted to implement a round-robin assignment for our agents on the Amazon Connect side as this cannot be done on the Salesforce side. Does anyone have any idea how we can equally assign calls to available agents without manually transferring them?

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2 Respuestas

Out of the box I don't see how this could be done. One thought is to have a Lambda which looks at which agents are logged in and in available state. Then randomly select one of them and continue doing this in a long enough timeline. Now, assuming all agents are in an available state a similar amount of time then this would eventually distribute calls pretty evenly. I've seen this type of routing done before, mainly handling inbound sales opportunity where there's commission on the line and you want to give all agents an equal shot at calls.


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respondido hace un mes

I think using a "distribute by percentage" block could solve this issue. Then have each leg of the distribution point to individual agent queues. -- But, since it's "random" and not round-robin, this won't truly achieve your desired routing.

You could also use a Lambda to reference a DynamoDB table whereby you keep track of how many calls each agent has gotten and then route the call to the agent that has gotten the fewest calls that day. ... but I don't know what code you would have to write to achieve that...

The default Amazon Connect routing will route calls based on how long agents have been in an available state ("If multiple agents are ready for a contact, by default an inbound contact is routed to the agent who has been in the Available status for the longest time."). But this means some agents will get more calls if they're average handle time is lower. It sounds like you want to make sure each agent gets the same amount of calls.

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respondido hace 19 días

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