CUDOS/CID - custom visual with Savings Plan details


Hi, We are building QS CUDOS custom sheet and would like to know how the 'Savings Plan Covered Usage' could be displayed in one of the visuals. The numbers that I see in Cost explorer(CE) with charge_type='Savings Plan Covered Usage' for a particular aws account - I don't see that in CUDOS custom dashboard/visual with any fields added to visual, which columns to choose to get the numbers that match with CE ?

preguntada hace 10 meses290 visualizaciones
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With the following formula in a calculated field, I was able to match the numbers 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage' in Cost Explorer into QS visual. ifelse({charge_type} = 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage', ({Cost_Unblended}) , 0)

respondido hace 10 meses

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