Ingesting data with future timestamps to AWS TimeStream


Hi, I am working with time series data that has values from day before yesterday to day after tomorrow. In order to store the data with future timestamps i want to edit the "Future ingestion period in minutes" of table properties. I could not find a way to edit this parameter in table-->edit page. How can i do this?

preguntada hace un año561 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Amazon Timestream does not currently have a feature that allows you to set a "future ingestion period" for data with future timestamps. Timestream is designed to store and query time series data, with the assumption that the data being ingested represents events that have already occurred in the past.

If you have time series data that includes future timestamps, you will need to handle this data in a way that is appropriate for your use case. For example, you could store the data in a separate database or data store, or you could filter out the data with future timestamps before inserting it into Timestream.

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