Cannot run my lambda due to the hard coded memory limit.


I am using a lambda function which I recently extended in functionality. Therefore I needed to add another layer (scipy) in order to run the python code. But when I try to add the scipy layer, the lambda is telling me, that my limit of 262MB is exceeded. My lambda is pollin a API and deriving the received data (spectral data). What would be your suggestions to make the function running?

Thanks and BR Tobias

preguntada hace 3 meses112 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas


I have never used "scipy", but what size will it be when layered?
Lambda layers have a limit of 250MB, so if they are larger than this, they cannot be used.

I think one of the workarounds for layer size is to use a container image as the runtime.
I think you can use this with somewhat larger layers.

Also, if there is a memory limit during execution, I think there will be no problem if you increase it from the Lambda settings.

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respondido hace 3 meses
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revisado hace 3 meses

As per documention, deployment package limit is 250 MB which is about 262,144,000 bytes . This quota applies to all the files you upload, including layers and custom runtimes. Try removing unnecessary packages,

If you are unable to reduce package size, you can perhaps explore changing from Lambda Python runtime to Lambda container image instead. The code package size limit is 10 GB (maximum uncompressed image size, including all layers)

respondido hace 3 meses

If need to process large files or load many large dependencies in AWS Lambda, you can do it by putting them on EFS volume which can be mounted to Lambda.

respondido hace 3 meses

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